living life without regrets is definitely a everyday challenge . .
Hi! Welcome to my blog. Please do not shit on my blog. Read it, tag it. This blog is viewed best on Firefox

name: Qiping
age: 19
bdate: 24 Nov 1992
msn: pingpingg@live.com.sg
email: HengQiPing@gmail.com
trumpeter- kissed cornets for 6years and trumpets for 4years
Life: currently in NP's BMS


=kelvin Tan=
=Peng Kiat=
=YuCong[Pri Sch]=

April 2009 x May 2009 x June 2009 x July 2009 x August 2009 x September 2009 x October 2009 x November 2009 x January 2010 x February 2010 x March 2010 x April 2010 x May 2010 x June 2010 x August 2010 x September 2010 x October 2010 x November 2010 x February 2011 x November 2011 x December 2011 x

Credits: Blogger ; Designer ; Help

Monday, November 28


Its been awhile!
and just, i've changed my email address!
reason being: im a grown up now, i dont wna associate my email with a childish pingpinginhell name
it was a draggggg!
i had to recreate and transfer everything!
my google+ account, my blogger, and the worst thing; my google music
i will have to upload my WHOLE FREAKING 12xx SONGS AGAIN!!
damn it.
well, thats life

oh yes, so what is the thing that inspire me to blog again?
first is cos of ervina, reminding me of my blog, that i very long never blog already,
which makes me visit this site again
the song for my blog never failed to make me bored.
this song is yijibang! love it to the max
the second reason was when my MBC lecturer started asking us to create new blog for my project
with makes me log into the dashboard
well, i must say, the new blog layout is total FOREIGN to me
and i refuse to accept the change in layout
reason being: the colour and layout of this old blogger has memories and life on it that is unique to everyone
when you started blogging, you thought of the days when you were a frequent blogger, entering this page
or maybe its just for me?
anyway, there's a nice photo that i wanted to share
its found when im googling the first picture with the keywords 'long time no see' to put in my blog post


im sorry if i offended big stomach guys here,
if you saw this and feel offended, then FUCK OFF. :)

well, i've been glancing through my pass posts
and well,
as of november 2011, i am no longer having any motivation to study
but i will still complete my course
reason being that i dont wna be a burden to anyone
at least if i complete my course, i can find a job and have monthly stable allowance (hopefully)
at least the chances are higher than i never complete my course
i don't wna work full time in banquet and end up with panda eyes and bleeding nose for not sleeping well
working one whole day just to earn 100bucks a day
nah, that's not the life i want
i just want a life balanced with work and my love ones. :)
well, I've decided
for whatever god sake reason, i will never let my child follow my path
its a painful one
no one knows how it feels like to walk into a class with everyone staring at you
with the 'who the fuck are you' look at first
then with the pitiful look gradually
well, in the end i must say i asked for it
i cant blame anyone for looking at me like this, its natural reaction
i would have done the same thing if i was the one looking
i can only blame myself for not studying well

well, put all those things aside, recently i've been watching forensic heroes
its a nice show, and i remember something

"Common law is the law for common man"

wow. HAHA!

see this video!
(not gonna upload since i hide my blog music)

Pro Sir: Common law is the law for common man. Common law is the fundamentals of all Hong Kong laws. The model for common law is to accept the objectivity of rules. This refers to the unspoken rules agreed by the majority which dictates habits, truth and false, right and wrong. This forms the fundamentals of common law.

The motive behind an action is accepted is not solely due to my judgment but derived from the fundamentals of common law. It reflects the same motive behind the same action of the majority.

The accused forcefully inserted the pill bottle into the deceased mouth. The motive behind the action was to force the deceased to swallow ketamine pills within the bottle.

Lawyer: Your honour, the witness’s illustration has already been dislodged from the specialization of a forensic scientist.

Pro Sir: My professional judgment must definitely be base on the fundamentals of common law. Thus my court statement is not dislodged from my profession.

Judge: Expert witness, you may continue.

Pro Sir: Thus when you brought the bottle to your mouth with a swallowing action, the whole set of actions under normal circumstances would led one to believed that the bottle is filled with water or other forms of liquid. Thus a normal person would then be driven to display a drinking action.

Of course, a person would also would pick up an empty bottle and pretend to drink. This is because he is acting. He is an actor. The motive behind your actions is to create a perfectly logical scenario. In reality, your account is an unconceivable illusion which is a blatant attempt to overthrow the whole truth.

From your perspective, to overrule my judgment, your motive is reasonable. But I need to emphasize, the legal judgment I made is based on the fundamentals of common law. The accused forcefully inserted a bottle full of ketamine pills into the deceased’s mouth have led to her death.

This is definitely a correct judgment, closest to the truth


Believe me, this is the best scene i've ever watched.
not as a perspective that im studying forensic science, but as a perspective of a normal person
whoever haven watch forensic heroes III yet, i would recommend it
although all the cast changed (with is so freaking sad :( )
its still nice la, but i still like ouyang zhen hua more in terms of his character in the first 2 series

well, thats all i have for now. :)

I sprayed the walls at 5:46 PM